
Pre-Health On-Campus Events

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Please fill out this Google Form so we can share your event/activity with our Pre-Health students!


Date and TimeEvent NameLocationOrganizerContact
August 29, 3:30-5:30 pmHealth & Science Industry Resume BlitzCawley Career CenterCawley Career CenterSign up on Handshake
Sept 8 1-4 pm2023 Annual Career FairCawley Career CenterCawley Career CenterSign up on Handshake
Sept 18, 5 pmHealth & Life Science ConsultingCawley Career CenterCawley Career CenterSign up on Handshake
Sept 19, 5 pmGap Year Career Panel for Pre-Med StudentsCawley Career CenterCawley Career CenterSign up on Handshake


Date and TimeEvent NameLocationOrganizerContact
August 30th, 6 pm-8 pmMCAT Strategy Lab
Altius Test Prep
ICC 115Office of Pre-Health
Sept 8th, 3:30-5:30 (15 min slots)Health & Science Resume Blitz RSVP HERE
Sept 15th, 2 pm-4 pmHeadshot Picture DayCawley Career Center
Sponsored by Teach for America
Cawley Career
Sept 16th, 1 pm-4 pmFall Career FairCawley Career CenterCawley Career
Sept. 28th, 6 pm-10 pmMCAT Altius Half Length Practice ExamICC AuditoriumOffice of Pre-Health
Sept. 29th, 5:30 pm-6:30 pmVirginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine PresentationReiss 283Office of Pre-Health