Postbac Program Course Offerings

*Ongoing course registration and continuation in the program is dependent on successful academic performance as defined in the university’s academic standards.

Updated March 2022

Class NameCourse #CreditsSemester Offered
Foundations in Biology I+ Lab
Concepts in biochemistry, cell & molecular biology, genetics, and development.
BIOL 1203
BIOL 1213
5+0Fall, Spring, Summer
Biology+Lab (please see options below)VariesVaries
General Chemistry I+LabCHEM 1100
CHEM 1105
3+2Fall, Summer
General Chemistry II+LabCHEM 1200
CHEM 1205
3+2Spring, Summer
Organic Chemistry I+LabCHEM 2100
CHEM 2105
3+2Fall, Summer
Organic Chemistry II+LabCHEM 2200
CHEM 2205
3+2Spring, Summer
Principles of Physics I+Lab PHYS 20515Fall, Summer
Principles of Physics II+LabPHYS 20525Spring, Summer
Biological ChemistryBIOL 1510 (includes lab) OR
BIOL 1610 (no lab)
Fall, Spring, Summer
Calculus (may need to take Pre-Calculus first)MATH 1350 (MATH 1001)4 (3)Fall, Spring, Summer
StatisticsMATH 10404Fall, Spring, Summer

Second Biology and Upper Biology Electives with Labs

Class NameCourse #CreditsSemester Offered
Foundations in Biology II+ Lab
Evolution and Ecology
BIOL 1204
BIOL 1214
5+0Fall, Spring, Summer
Genetics+LabBIOL 15204Fall
Mammalian Physiology+LabBIOL 1750
BIOL 1760
Microbiology+Lab BIOL 3500
BIOL 3550


Class NameCourse #CreditsSemester Offered
Cell BiologyBIOL 37013Fall
NeurobiologyBIOL 19504Spring
General PsychologyPSYC 10003Fall, Spring
Molecular BiologyBIOL 37023Spring

Coursework in other undergraduate departments may be taken after consultation with a pre-health advisor.