The Process

To qualify for a review from the Georgetown Pre-Med Recommendation Committee, a student must have completed all core pre-med coursework (one year each of major’s-level Biology including BIOL 1203, General Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Physics, and Mathematics).

To Apply

To apply to the Committee students are also required to attend or view the recordings for the following three workshops in the spring of the year they plan to apply:

The committee meets to review applications in early June. Prior to the meeting, each committee member has examined the application materials of each of the students requesting a recommendation at that time. The Committee does not accept MCAT scores as part of the application. This is to ensure an evaluation independent of, and not influenced by the MCAT and to allow students to choose MCAT exam dates based on their preparation and not on the Committee meeting dates.

After the Committee meets, the Deans prepare the recommendation letter and packet, which includes the committee recommendation letter and the four letters of reference which were submitted for the application. Electronic copies of the recommendation packet are then posted for the student by the Pre-Health office.