Pre-Health Committee Forms
The links below are for materials that will be required for your application to the Pre-Health Committee.
Activities & Experiences
Students in the Pre-Med program here at Georgetown University can now log their relevant experiences and activities in Hoya360. These records will allow your advisor to track your progress toward meeting program requirements. They will also be incorporated into your electronic Pre-Medical Committee Recommendation Application, to be released this spring.
Letter of Recommendation Instructions
When you apply for a Pre-Health Committee recommendation, you will enter the names and contact information of four individuals who will write you a letter of recommendation. You will select their letter submission method as either online or offline. Online submissions are the preferred method, but some letter writers may not be able to submit that way. If they will submit their letter online, they will receive instructions in an email message from the application site. Use the form below if you are asking a professor, mentor, or employer to write you a letter of recommendation and they prefer to submit it offline to the Pre-Health Committee. It contains instructions on the preferred content of the letter, submission instructions, deadlines, and waiver information.
If a letter has been submitted on your behalf that is being held by the Pre-Health Office, you will still need to enter the letter writer information in the committee application. In this case, indicate that the letter writer is submitting “offline,” so they do not receive a notification from the application service to resubmit their letter.
You may also use the form below for a provider who you’ve asked to write an additional letter that will not be reviewed by the committee. Deadlines do not apply in that case.
The following brochure (created by AMCAS) provides information to letter writers about the content and formats of letters preferred by medical schools.
Personal Essay Instructions
This piece should be considered a draft of your primary application essay and should adhere to the AMCAS specifications of a 1-page, 5300-character limit essay.
The essay is your opportunity to address your unique accomplishments and experiences and to set yourself apart from other applicants. You should address the statements “why I want to go to medical school” and “what I am doing to prepare for medical school.” You may also visit the Resources tab to review a PowerPoint presentation about essay writing tips. The AMCAS application instructions also have a section about writing the essay.
We encourage you to meet with any of the Pre-Health Committee members to discuss your essay. You may use the Self Assessment Worksheet to assess qualities and competencies that you may want to address in your essay. This worksheet is not submitted to the Pre-Health Committee.