Activities/Experiences Resume
As part of your application to medical school, you will be asked to provide information on your work and activities.
The Pre-Health Recommendation Committee will also review this information for your recommendation letter. The format is based on what is required for the AMCAS medical school application.
Experiences Types and Number
You may enter up to 15 significant experiences. The space allotted for each description is 700 characters. This is approximately 50-125 words. For the AMCAS application, you will be given an additional 1325 characters for three activities that you identify as the most significant. Please see the AMCAS AAMC Guide for additional instructions.
For the Dental AADSAS application, you will be given 600 characters for the description. You can select up to 6 as your most meaningful but will not have additional characters to write. Please see the AADSAS Guide for additional instructions.
You may enter them in the order that you wish. They will be automatically arranged for the Pre-Health Committee in chronological order. On the AMCAS/AADSAS application, the entries will be shown in chronological order but will be sorted by each school’s preference during the application review.
Quality is more important than quantity, so do not worry if you have fewer than 15 experiences.
- Word document where you can prepare your Activities and Experiences Section
For each entry, choose an experience type from the list below:
- artistic endeavors
- community service/volunteer—medical/clinical
- community service/volunteer—not medical/clinical
- conferences attended
- extracurricular activities
- hobbies
- honors/awards/recognition
- intercollegiate athletics
- leadership—not listed elsewhere
- military service
- other
- paid employment—medical/clinical
- paid employment—not medical/clinical
- physician shadowing/clinical observation
- presentations/posters
- publications
- research/lab
- Social Justice/Advocacy
- teaching/tutoring/teaching assistant
Experience Details
Experience name: choose a name for the experience or the title you held. If this experience has no explicit name choose a name that you feel best describes the experience.
Experience description: describe the nature of the organization or experience, what you did or accomplished, and if applicable, what you learned. It is important to describe your experiences clearly and positively. Try to use active verbs to describe your activities. Use numbers and figures to back up your descriptions when possible. Whenever possible, focus on achievements or special responsibilities. Use this space to describe the most meaningful experiences you have had.
Helpful Tips
- Some experience types (presentations, posters, etc.) require only one date. If the activity is repeated (e.g., occurs each summer for multiple summers) you can list it just once and then use the space beneath the activity to describe the complete durations (e.g., number of weeks per summer and average hours per week). The AMCAS application will allow you to enter up to four separate date ranges for one activity.
- You are able to enter future activities. Enter the current activity(ies) up to the current date. You can then indicate if you anticipate completing any additional hours for an experience. You will be able to enter future end dates up to the start of the matriculation year.
If you have not started an experience, please enter May of the current year as the start and end dates and enter 0 (zero) in the Completed Hours field.
- Report awards once and then describe multiple awards in the box beneath.
- If you are a member of an organization, include information such as meetings per week or semester and why you joined the group. If you held multiple positions, list the experience once and describe the positions in the box beneath.
- You do not need to repeat information in the description box that has already been listed in the boxes (e.g., organization name).
- If you are listing a research experience that extends through the summer and academic year, be sure to indicate the weeks and average hours per week appropriately (e.g., full-time in the summer, 10 hours per week during the academic year.)
- Publications that are in preparation or that have been submitted should be included in the description of your research experience. Only list publications that have been accepted (i.e., in print) or that have been published in a separate “publications” box.
- Frequently Asked Questions with additional answers about this section.
Keep a record of activities during your four years at Georgetown
Students can use the Pre-Health Dashboard to keep a record and reflect on their activities and experiences during their time at Georgetown and beyond.
Additionally, students may enter activities in your Hoya360 Profile during your four years at Georgetown, and they will auto-populate in your Committee Application later. If you are a first-year, sophomore, or not applying this cycle, the Hoya360 Profile will allow you to track your activities on an ongoing basis, and then select which to move to the PHRC application when you are ready to apply.
To access, log into Select the down arrow in the upper right corner near your photo and select My Profile. In the upper right corner, you will then see Navigate To. Select Interests/Activities. Scroll down to find Pre-Med Experiences if you have a pre-med designation in your academic record. Additional instructions can be found in this document. If you encounter any issues, please contact